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Create a new address for the customer.

Requires one of following set of permissions: AUTHENTICATED_USER or AUTHENTICATED_APP + IMPERSONATE_USER.

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • CUSTOMER_UPDATED (async): A customer account was updated.
  • ADDRESS_CREATED (async): An address was created.
customerId: ID
input: AddressInput!
type: AddressTypeEnum
): AccountAddressCreate


accountAddressCreate.customerId ● ID scalar miscellaneous

ID of customer the application is impersonating. The field can be used and is required by apps only. Requires IMPERSONATE_USER and AUTHENTICATED_APP permission.

Added in Saleor 3.19

accountAddressCreate.input ● AddressInput! non-null input miscellaneous

Fields required to create address.

accountAddressCreate.type ● AddressTypeEnum enum miscellaneous

A type of address. If provided, the new address will be automatically assigned as the customer's default address of that type.


AccountAddressCreate object users

Create a new address for the customer.

Requires one of following set of permissions: AUTHENTICATED_USER or AUTHENTICATED_APP + IMPERSONATE_USER.

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • CUSTOMER_UPDATED (async): A customer account was updated.
  • ADDRESS_CREATED (async): An address was created.