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confirmEmailChange Mutation

Confirm the email change of the logged-in user.

Requires AUTHENTICATED_USERpermission.

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • CUSTOMER_UPDATED (async): A customer account was updated.
  • NOTIFY_USER (async): A notification that account email change was confirmed.
  • ACCOUNT_EMAIL_CHANGED (async): An account email was changed.
channel: String
token: String!
): ConfirmEmailChange

Arguments ● String scalar miscellaneous

Slug of a channel which will be used to notify users. Optional when only one channel exists.

confirmEmailChange.token ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

A one-time token required to change the email.


ConfirmEmailChange object users

Confirm the email change of the logged-in user.

Requires AUTHENTICATED_USERpermission.

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • CUSTOMER_UPDATED (async): A customer account was updated.
  • NOTIFY_USER (async): A notification that account email change was confirmed.
  • ACCOUNT_EMAIL_CHANGED (async): An account email was changed.