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PaymentMethodProcessTokenization Object

Tokenize payment method.

Requires AUTHENTICATED_USERpermission.

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • PAYMENT_METHOD_PROCESS_TOKENIZATION_SESSION (sync): The customer continues payment method tokenization.
type PaymentMethodProcessTokenization {
result: PaymentMethodTokenizationResult!
id: String
data: JSON
errors: [PaymentMethodProcessTokenizationError!]!


PaymentMethodProcessTokenization.result ● PaymentMethodTokenizationResult! non-null enum payments

A status of the payment method tokenization. ● String scalar miscellaneous

The identifier of the payment method. ● JSON scalar miscellaneous

A data returned by the payment app.

PaymentMethodProcessTokenization.errors ● [PaymentMethodProcessTokenizationError!]! non-null object payments

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paymentMethodProcessTokenization mutation