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TransactionEventReport Object

Report the event for the transaction.

Requires the following permissions: OWNERHANDLE_PAYMENTS for appsHANDLE_PAYMENTS for staff users

Staff user cannot update a transaction that is owned by the app.

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • TRANSACTION_ITEM_METADATA_UPDATED (async): Optionally called when transaction's metadata was updated.
  • CHECKOUT_FULLY_PAID (async): Optionally called when the checkout charge status changed to FULL or OVERCHARGED.
  • ORDER_UPDATED (async): Optionally called when the transaction is related to the order and the order was updated.
type TransactionEventReport {
alreadyProcessed: Boolean
transaction: TransactionItem
transactionEvent: TransactionEvent
errors: [TransactionEventReportError!]!


TransactionEventReport.alreadyProcessed ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Defines if the reported event hasn't been processed earlier.

TransactionEventReport.transaction ● TransactionItem object payments

The transaction related to the reported event.

TransactionEventReport.transactionEvent ● TransactionEvent object payments

The event assigned to this report. if alreadyProcessed is set to true, the previously processed event will be returned.

TransactionEventReport.errors ● [TransactionEventReportError!]! non-null object payments

Returned By

transactionEventReport mutation