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transactionUpdate Mutation

Update transaction.

Requires the following permissions: OWNERHANDLE_PAYMENTS for appsHANDLE_PAYMENTS for staff users

Staff user cannot update a transaction that is owned by the app.

id: ID
token: UUID
transaction: TransactionUpdateInput
transactionEvent: TransactionEventInput
): TransactionUpdate

Arguments ● ID scalar miscellaneous

The ID of the transaction. One of field id or token is required.

transactionUpdate.token ● UUID scalar miscellaneous

The token of the transaction. One of field id or token is required.

transactionUpdate.transaction ● TransactionUpdateInput input payments

Input data required to create a new transaction object.

transactionUpdate.transactionEvent ● TransactionEventInput input payments

Data that defines a transaction transaction.


TransactionUpdate object payments

Update transaction.

Requires the following permissions: OWNERHANDLE_PAYMENTS for appsHANDLE_PAYMENTS for staff users

Staff user cannot update a transaction that is owned by the app.