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The below process describes the key milestones in the checkout process flow in Saleor. Additional steps may also occur along the way; however, the purpose of this instruction is to deliver a base reference for the user to work with.

You can run the code snippets from this section in the Playground or your preferred GraphQL client.

Why is there no cart model?

Saleor has no distinct object type for shopping carts and checkouts. We wanted the same features – like discounts, vouchers, address-specific taxes, and shipping estimates – to be available in the cart and the checkout, so we've decided to use the same object type for both. Checkout provides the interface for standard cart operations like adding products or promo codes. It can also be processed in almost any order, for example, by saving a billing address before adding any items.


  • Checkout: Object that groups all the data needed for the checkout process and creating an order.
  • Checkout Line: Items added to the checkout with quantity data. Each added variant has a separate line.
  • Checkout Completion: During this step, payments may be processed and stocks may be reserved. If requirements are met, the order is created.
  • Payment Gateway: Payment App or legacy plugin. e.g., Adyen.
  • Transaction: Object containing status and additional data about payment.
  • Shipping Methods: The way orders will be sent. E.g., DHL courier, postal service.
  • Collection Points: Places where orders can be self-picked.
  • Delivery Methods: Union of shipping methods and collection points.

Multiple channels and checkout

Depending on the chosen channel, the user will have access to different objects. This impacts available:

  • Products and Product Variants
  • Payment Gateways
  • Shipping Methods
  • Collection Points
  • Discounts

Learn more about using multiple channels.


If a user is assigned to checkout, only that user and staff users with permission MANAGE_CHECKOUTS can query the checkout's data. Such checkout is "private".

Checkout without an assigned user can be queried and modified without additional permissions – it's public for anyone who knows the checkout ID.

Creating a checkout session


A Checkout object can be created for logged-in users and for anonymous (guest) users.

To create a Checkout object, use the checkoutCreate mutation.

  • If you call the checkoutCreate mutation and provide the Authorization header with a valid auth token, the created checkout will be assigned to the user who is authenticated by this token. For more information on how to authenticate with our API, see the authentication guide.

  • If no authentication token is provided, the checkout is created for an anonymous user, and an email address is used to identify such a Checkout object, linking it with the anonymous user. User email is not required at this stage but must be provided before adding a promo code, creating a payment, and completing checkout.

checkoutCreate mutation takes the following input:

  • channel: Slug of a channel in which to create checkout.
  • email: the user's email address.
  • shippingAddress: the shipping address (if needed).
  • billingAddress: the billing address.
  • lines: a list of checkout lines, each checkout line contains a product variant ID and its quantity.
  • validationRules: the checkout validation rules that can be changed.

The resulting Checkout object contains the following fields:

  • id: a unique checkout ID.
  • totalPrice: the total price of the checkout lines and shipping costs.
  • isShippingRequired: denotes whether shipping is required for this checkout.
  • availablePaymentGateways: a list of payment gateways that are currently configured on your Saleor server and can be used to pay for the checkout. Only gateways that are enabled for a given channel and support the checkout currency are returned. For each gateway, the API returns an ID, a name, and a config object, which for some gateways may return additional information required to initialize or process the payment on the front-end.
  • shippingMethods: a list of all shipping methods for this checkout. If the items in the cart require shipment.
  • availableCollectionPoints: a list of available places for self-pickup. It is calculated based on the given country and available Stocks (for Warehouses which clickAndCollectOption field is not set to DISABLED).

In addition, the following fields are available in the mutation results:

  • created: a boolean flag indicating whether a new checkout object was created, or an existing one was used.
  • errors: a list of errors that occurred during mutation execution.

The following example shows how the checkoutCreate mutation creates the Checkout object and returns the checkout information:

mutation {
input: {
channel: "default-channel"
email: ""
lines: [{ quantity: 1, variantId: "UHJvZHVjdFZhcmlhbnQ6Mjk3" }]
shippingAddress: {
firstName: "John"
lastName: "Doe"
streetAddress1: "1470 Pinewood Avenue"
city: "Michigan"
postalCode: "49855"
country: US
countryArea: "MI"
billingAddress: {
firstName: "John"
lastName: "Doe"
streetAddress1: "1470 Pinewood Avenue"
city: "Michigan"
postalCode: "49855"
country: US
countryArea: "MI"
) {
checkout {
totalPrice {
gross {
shippingMethods {
availableCollectionPoints {
availablePaymentGateways {
config {
errors {
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We get a newly created checkout object for which we receive the ID, total price, and list of available shipping and payment methods:

"data": {
"checkoutCreate": {
"checkout": {
"id": "Q2hlY2tvdXQ6ZmE5ZjBkMjYtMWM3NC00MDgyLTk3MzktYTIxOGE2NzVjMDZk",
"totalPrice": {
"gross": {
"amount": 20,
"currency": "USD"
"isShippingRequired": true,
"shippingMethods": [
"id": "U2hpcHBpbmdNZXRob2Q6MTM=",
"name": "UPS",
"active": true,
"message": ""
"id": "U2hpcHBpbmdNZXRob2Q6MTI=",
"name": "DHL",
"active": false,
"message": "Not available."
"availableCollectionPoints": [
"name": "Local Store"
"clickAndCollectOption": "LOCAL"
"id": "=V2FyZWhvdXNlOjU0NjliNWQ3LThmOGUtNGVmOS1iMGQxLWNhYWZmYTg4MjI1OA==",
"name": "Company HQ"
"clickAndCollectOption": "ALL"
"availablePaymentGateways": [
"id": "app.saleor.adyen",
"name": "Adyen",
"config": []
"errors": []
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Checkout email

When an anonymous checkout has been created without an email, the email must be set before creating payment and completing checkout. Use the CheckoutEmailUpdate mutation to update checkout email.

The operation requires the following inputs:

  • id: checkout ID (the id field of the Checkout object),
  • email: user email.
mutation {
email: ""
) {
checkout {
errors {

As a result, we get an updated checkout object with the new checkout email set:

"data": {
"checkoutDeliveryMethodUpdate": {
"checkout": {
"id": "Q2hlY2tvdXQ6ZTEzZDFjOTItOWJkNi00ODViLTgyMDctZTNhM2I5NjVkZTQw",
"email": ""
"errors": []

Removing old checkouts

To avoid overloading the database, unfinished and unpaid checkouts are automatically deleted after a specified period from their last modification:

  • checkouts without lines after 6 hours,
  • anonymous checkouts (neither user nor email is set) with lines after 30 days,
  • user checkouts (either user or email is set) with lines after 90 days.

Releasing funds for abandoned checkouts


This feature was introduced in Saleor 3.14.


This feature is in the Feature Preview stage, which means that it is available for experimentation and feedback. However, it is still undergoing development and is subject to modifications.


This flow is only related to the checkouts processed with Saleor App.

The payments for items left in the cart by a customer who did not complete the purchase will be refunded to the customer's account.

Abandoned checkout is the checkout that hasn't been changed in a specific period. The TTL is controlled by the environment variable: CHECKOUT_TTL_BEFORE_RELEASING_FUNDS, a default set to 6 hours.

For any transactionItem with processed funds (authorizedAmount or chargeAmount) assigned to abandoned checkout, Saleor will trigger the release action.

The release action is:

  • webhook with the event:TRANSACTION_CANCELATION_REQUESTED triggered when transactionItem contains authorized funds
  • webhook with the event: TRANSACTION_REFUND_REQUESTED triggered when transactionItem contains charged funds.

Release action is triggered only once. In case of a missing subscription for a release event or failure in processing the action by app. The release action needs to be handled manually.

To fetch paid checkouts, use the below query:

checkouts(first: 10, filter: { authorizeStatus: [PARTIAL, FULL] }) {
edges {
node {
totalBalance {