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Represents product variant channel listing.

type ProductVariantChannelListing implements Node {
id: ID!
channel: Channel!
price: Money
costPrice: Money
margin: Int
preorderThreshold: PreorderThreshold

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar miscellaneous

The ID of the variant channel listing. ● Channel! non-null object channels

The channel to which the variant listing belongs.

ProductVariantChannelListing.price ● Money object miscellaneous

The price of the variant.

ProductVariantChannelListing.costPrice ● Money object miscellaneous

Cost price of the variant.

ProductVariantChannelListing.margin ● Int scalar miscellaneous

Gross margin percentage value.

Requires MANAGE_PRODUCTSpermission.

ProductVariantChannelListing.preorderThreshold ● PreorderThreshold object products

Preorder variant data.

Added in Saleor 3.1


Node interface miscellaneous

An object with an ID

Member Of

ProductVariant object