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Represents a product media.

type ProductMedia implements Node, ObjectWithMetadata {
id: ID!
privateMetadata: [MetadataItem!]!
privateMetafield(key: String!): String
privateMetafields(keys: [String!]): Metadata
metadata: [MetadataItem!]!
metafield(key: String!): String
metafields(keys: [String!]): Metadata
sortOrder: Int
alt: String!
type: ProductMediaType!
oembedData: JSONString!
url(size: Int, format: ThumbnailFormatEnum = ORIGINAL): String!
productId: ID

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar miscellaneous

The unique ID of the product media.

ProductMedia.privateMetadata ● [MetadataItem!]! non-null object miscellaneous

List of private metadata items. Requires staff permissions to access.

Added in Saleor 3.12

ProductMedia.privateMetafield ● String scalar miscellaneous

A single key from private metadata. Requires staff permissions to access.

Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch multiple keys.

Added in Saleor 3.12
ProductMedia.privateMetafield.key ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

ProductMedia.privateMetafields ● Metadata scalar miscellaneous

Private metadata. Requires staff permissions to access. Use keys to control which fields you want to include. The default is to include everything.

Added in Saleor 3.12
ProductMedia.privateMetafields.keys ● [String!] list scalar miscellaneous

ProductMedia.metadata ● [MetadataItem!]! non-null object miscellaneous

List of public metadata items. Can be accessed without permissions.

Added in Saleor 3.12

ProductMedia.metafield ● String scalar miscellaneous

A single key from public metadata.

Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch multiple keys.

Added in Saleor 3.12
ProductMedia.metafield.key ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

ProductMedia.metafields ● Metadata scalar miscellaneous

Public metadata. Use keys to control which fields you want to include. The default is to include everything.

Added in Saleor 3.12
ProductMedia.metafields.keys ● [String!] list scalar miscellaneous

ProductMedia.sortOrder ● Int scalar miscellaneous

The sort order of the media.

ProductMedia.alt ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

The alt text of the media.

ProductMedia.type ● ProductMediaType! non-null enum products

The type of the media.

ProductMedia.oembedData ● JSONString! non-null scalar miscellaneous

The oEmbed data of the media.

ProductMedia.url ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

The URL of the media.

ProductMedia.url.size ● Int scalar miscellaneous

Desired longest side the image in pixels. Defaults to 4096. Images are never cropped. Pass 0 to retrieve the original size (not recommended).

ProductMedia.url.format ● ThumbnailFormatEnum enum miscellaneous

The format of the image. When not provided, format of the original image will be used.

Added in Saleor 3.6

ProductMedia.productId ● ID scalar miscellaneous

Product id the media refers to.

Added in Saleor 3.12


Node interface miscellaneous

An object with an ID

ObjectWithMetadata interface miscellaneous

Member Of

Product object ● ProductMediaCreate object ● ProductMediaCreated object ● ProductMediaDelete object ● ProductMediaDeleted object ● ProductMediaReorder object ● ProductMediaUpdate object ● ProductMediaUpdated object ● ProductVariant object ● VariantMediaAssign object ● VariantMediaUnassign object

Implemented By

_Entity union