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input ProductVariantChannelListingAddInput {
channelId: ID!
price: PositiveDecimal!
costPrice: PositiveDecimal
preorderThreshold: Int


ProductVariantChannelListingAddInput.channelId ● ID! non-null scalar miscellaneous

ID of a channel.

ProductVariantChannelListingAddInput.price ● PositiveDecimal! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Price of the particular variant in channel.

ProductVariantChannelListingAddInput.costPrice ● PositiveDecimal scalar miscellaneous

Cost price of the variant in channel.

ProductVariantChannelListingAddInput.preorderThreshold ● Int scalar miscellaneous

The threshold for preorder variant in channel.

Added in Saleor 3.1

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ProductVariantBulkCreateInput input ● productVariantChannelListingUpdate mutation ● ProductVariantChannelListingUpdateInput input