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input AddressInput {
firstName: String
lastName: String
companyName: String
streetAddress1: String
streetAddress2: String
city: String
cityArea: String
postalCode: String
country: CountryCode
countryArea: String
phone: String
metadata: [MetadataInput!]
skipValidation: Boolean


AddressInput.firstName ● String scalar miscellaneous

Given name.

AddressInput.lastName ● String scalar miscellaneous

Family name.

AddressInput.companyName ● String scalar miscellaneous

Company or organization.

AddressInput.streetAddress1 ● String scalar miscellaneous


AddressInput.streetAddress2 ● String scalar miscellaneous

Address. ● String scalar miscellaneous


AddressInput.cityArea ● String scalar miscellaneous


AddressInput.postalCode ● String scalar miscellaneous

Postal code. ● CountryCode enum miscellaneous


AddressInput.countryArea ● String scalar miscellaneous

State or province. ● String scalar miscellaneous

Phone number.

Phone numbers are validated with Google's libphonenumber library.

AddressInput.metadata ● [MetadataInput!] list input miscellaneous

Address public metadata.

Added in Saleor 3.15

AddressInput.skipValidation ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Determine if the address should be validated. By default, Saleor accepts only address inputs matching ruleset from [Google Address Data]{, using i18naddress library. Some mutations may require additional permissions to use the the field. More info about permissions can be found in relevant mutation.

Added in Saleor 3.19
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.

Member Of

accountAddressCreate mutation ● accountAddressUpdate mutation ● AccountInput input ● addressCreate mutation ● addressUpdate mutation ● checkoutBillingAddressUpdate mutation ● CheckoutCreateInput input ● checkoutShippingAddressUpdate mutation ● CustomerInput input ● DraftOrderCreateInput input ● DraftOrderInput input ● OrderBulkCreateInput input ● OrderUpdateInput input ● shopAddressUpdate mutation ● UserCreateInput input ● WarehouseCreateInput input ● WarehouseUpdateInput input