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History log of the gift card.

Added in Saleor 3.1
type GiftCardEvent implements Node {
id: ID!
date: DateTime
type: GiftCardEventsEnum
user: User
app: App
message: String
email: String
orderId: ID
orderNumber: String
tags: [String!]
oldTags: [String!]
balance: GiftCardEventBalance
expiryDate: Date
oldExpiryDate: Date

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar miscellaneous

ID of the event associated with a gift card. ● DateTime scalar miscellaneous

Date when event happened at in ISO 8601 format.

GiftCardEvent.type ● GiftCardEventsEnum enum gift-cards

Gift card event type.

GiftCardEvent.user ● User object users

User who performed the action.

Requires one of the following permissions: MANAGE_USERSMANAGE_STAFFOWNER ● App object apps

App that performed the action.

Requires one of the following permissions: MANAGE_APPSOWNER

GiftCardEvent.message ● String scalar miscellaneous

Content of the event. ● String scalar miscellaneous

Email of the customer.

GiftCardEvent.orderId ● ID scalar miscellaneous

The order ID where gift card was used or bought.

GiftCardEvent.orderNumber ● String scalar miscellaneous

User-friendly number of an order where gift card was used or bought.

GiftCardEvent.tags ● [String!] list scalar miscellaneous

The list of gift card tags.

GiftCardEvent.oldTags ● [String!] list scalar miscellaneous

The list of old gift card tags.

GiftCardEvent.balance ● GiftCardEventBalance object gift-cards

The gift card balance.

GiftCardEvent.expiryDate ● Date scalar miscellaneous

The gift card expiry date.

GiftCardEvent.oldExpiryDate ● Date scalar miscellaneous

Previous gift card expiry date.


Node interface miscellaneous

An object with an ID

Member Of

GiftCard object ● GiftCardAddNote object