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input PromotionWhereInput {
metadata: [MetadataFilter!]
ids: [ID!]
name: StringFilterInput
endDate: DateTimeFilterInput
startDate: DateTimeFilterInput
isOldSale: Boolean
type: PromotionTypeEnumFilterInput
AND: [PromotionWhereInput!]
OR: [PromotionWhereInput!]


PromotionWhereInput.metadata ● [MetadataFilter!] list input miscellaneous

PromotionWhereInput.ids ● [ID!] list scalar miscellaneous ● StringFilterInput input miscellaneous

Filter by promotion name.

PromotionWhereInput.endDate ● DateTimeFilterInput input miscellaneous

Filter promotions by end date.

PromotionWhereInput.startDate ● DateTimeFilterInput input miscellaneous

Filter promotions by start date.

PromotionWhereInput.isOldSale ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

PromotionWhereInput.type ● PromotionTypeEnumFilterInput input discounts

PromotionWhereInput.AND ● [PromotionWhereInput!] list input discounts

List of conditions that must be met.

PromotionWhereInput.OR ● [PromotionWhereInput!] list input discounts

A list of conditions of which at least one must be met.

Member Of

promotions query ● PromotionWhereInput input