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Represents attribute value.

  1. If ID is provided, then attribute value will be resolved by ID.
  2. If externalReference is provided, then attribute value will be resolved by external reference.
  3. If value is provided, then attribute value will be resolved by value. If this attribute value doesn't exist, then it will be created.
  4. If externalReference and value is provided then new attribute value will be created.
Added in Saleor 3.9
input AttributeValueSelectableTypeInput {
id: ID
externalReference: String
value: String

Fields ● ID scalar miscellaneous

ID of an attribute value.

AttributeValueSelectableTypeInput.externalReference ● String scalar miscellaneous

External reference of an attribute value.

Added in Saleor 3.14

AttributeValueSelectableTypeInput.value ● String scalar miscellaneous

The value or slug of an attribute to resolve. If the passed value is non-existent, it will be created.

Member Of

AttributeValueInput input ● BulkAttributeValueInput input