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input AttributeInput {
slug: String!
values: [String!]
valuesRange: IntRangeInput
dateTime: DateTimeRangeInput
date: DateRangeInput
boolean: Boolean


AttributeInput.slug ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Internal representation of an attribute name.

AttributeInput.values ● [String!] list scalar miscellaneous

Internal representation of a value (unique per attribute).

AttributeInput.valuesRange ● IntRangeInput input miscellaneous

The range that the returned values should be in.

AttributeInput.dateTime ● DateTimeRangeInput input miscellaneous

The date/time range that the returned values should be in. ● DateRangeInput input miscellaneous

The date range that the returned values should be in. In case of date/time attributes, the UTC midnight of the given date is used.

AttributeInput.boolean ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

The boolean value of the attribute.

Member Of

ProductFilterInput input ● ProductWhereInput input