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Version: 3.x


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input WebhookCreateInput {
name: String
targetUrl: String
events: [WebhookEventTypeEnum!]
asyncEvents: [WebhookEventTypeAsyncEnum!]
syncEvents: [WebhookEventTypeSyncEnum!]
app: ID
isActive: Boolean
secretKey: String
query: String
customHeaders: JSONString

Fields ● String scalar

The name of the webhook.

WebhookCreateInput.targetUrl ● String scalar

The url to receive the payload. ● [WebhookEventTypeEnum!] list enum

The events that webhook wants to subscribe.

DEPRECATED: this field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use asyncEvents or syncEvents instead.

WebhookCreateInput.asyncEvents ● [WebhookEventTypeAsyncEnum!] list enum

The asynchronous events that webhook wants to subscribe.

WebhookCreateInput.syncEvents ● [WebhookEventTypeSyncEnum!] list enum

The synchronous events that webhook wants to subscribe. ● ID scalar

ID of the app to which webhook belongs.

WebhookCreateInput.isActive ● Boolean scalar

Determine if webhook will be set active or not.

WebhookCreateInput.secretKey ● String scalar

The secret key used to create a hash signature with each payload.

DEPRECATED: this field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. As of Saleor 3.5, webhook payloads default to signing using a verifiable JWS.

WebhookCreateInput.query ● String scalar

Subscription query used to define a webhook payload.

Added in Saleor 3.2

WebhookCreateInput.customHeaders ● JSONString scalar

Custom headers, which will be added to HTTP request. There is a limitation of 5 headers per webhook and 998 characters per header.Only "X-" and "Authorization" keys are allowed.

Added in Saleor 3.12
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.

Member of

webhookCreate mutation

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