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Version: 3.x


Sends an email with the account password modification link.

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • NOTIFY_USER (async): A notification for password reset.
  • ACCOUNT_SET_PASSWORD_REQUESTED (async): Setting a new password for the account is requested.
  • STAFF_SET_PASSWORD_REQUESTED (async): Setting a new password for the staff account is requested.
channel: String
email: String!
redirectUrl: String!
): RequestPasswordReset

Arguments ● String scalar

Slug of a channel which will be used for notify user. Optional when only one channel exists. ● String! non-null scalar

Email of the user that will be used for password recovery.

requestPasswordReset.redirectUrl ● String! non-null scalar

URL of a view where users should be redirected to reset the password. URL in RFC 1808 format.


RequestPasswordReset object

Sends an email with the account password modification link.

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • NOTIFY_USER (async): A notification for password reset.
  • ACCOUNT_SET_PASSWORD_REQUESTED (async): Setting a new password for the account is requested.
  • STAFF_SET_PASSWORD_REQUESTED (async): Setting a new password for the staff account is requested.

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