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Version: 3.x


Sends an email with the account removal link for the logged-in user.

Requires AUTHENTICATED_USERpermission.

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • NOTIFY_USER (async): A notification for account delete request.
  • ACCOUNT_DELETE_REQUESTED (async): An account delete requested.
channel: String
redirectUrl: String!
): AccountRequestDeletion

Arguments ● String scalar

Slug of a channel which will be used to notify users. Optional when only one channel exists.

accountRequestDeletion.redirectUrl ● String! non-null scalar

URL of a view where users should be redirected to delete their account. URL in RFC 1808 format.


AccountRequestDeletion object

Sends an email with the account removal link for the logged-in user.

Requires AUTHENTICATED_USERpermission.

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • NOTIFY_USER (async): A notification for account delete request.
  • ACCOUNT_DELETE_REQUESTED (async): An account delete requested.

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