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Version: 3.x


Shipping method are the methods you'll use to get customer's orders to them. They are directly exposed to the customers.

type ShippingMethodType implements Node, ObjectWithMetadata {
id: ID!
privateMetadata: [MetadataItem!]!
privateMetafield(key: String!): String
privateMetafields(keys: [String!]): Metadata
metadata: [MetadataItem!]!
metafield(key: String!): String
metafields(keys: [String!]): Metadata
name: String!
description: JSONString
type: ShippingMethodTypeEnum
translation(languageCode: LanguageCodeEnum!): ShippingMethodTranslation
channelListings: [ShippingMethodChannelListing!]
maximumOrderPrice: Money
minimumOrderPrice: Money
postalCodeRules: [ShippingMethodPostalCodeRule!]
before: String
after: String
first: Int
last: Int
): ProductCountableConnection
minimumOrderWeight: Weight
maximumOrderWeight: Weight
maximumDeliveryDays: Int
minimumDeliveryDays: Int
taxClass: TaxClass
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Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Shipping method ID.

ShippingMethodType.privateMetadata ● [MetadataItem!]! non-null object

List of private metadata items. Requires staff permissions to access.

ShippingMethodType.privateMetafield ● String scalar

A single key from private metadata. Requires staff permissions to access.

Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch multiple keys.

Added in Saleor 3.3
ShippingMethodType.privateMetafield.key ● String! non-null scalar

ShippingMethodType.privateMetafields ● Metadata scalar

Private metadata. Requires staff permissions to access. Use keys to control which fields you want to include. The default is to include everything.

Added in Saleor 3.3
ShippingMethodType.privateMetafields.keys ● [String!] list scalar

ShippingMethodType.metadata ● [MetadataItem!]! non-null object

List of public metadata items. Can be accessed without permissions.

ShippingMethodType.metafield ● String scalar

A single key from public metadata.

Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch multiple keys.

Added in Saleor 3.3
ShippingMethodType.metafield.key ● String! non-null scalar

ShippingMethodType.metafields ● Metadata scalar

Public metadata. Use keys to control which fields you want to include. The default is to include everything.

Added in Saleor 3.3
ShippingMethodType.metafields.keys ● [String!] list scalar ● String! non-null scalar

Shipping method name.

ShippingMethodType.description ● JSONString scalar

Shipping method description.

Rich text format. For reference see

ShippingMethodType.type ● ShippingMethodTypeEnum enum

Type of the shipping method.

ShippingMethodType.translation ● ShippingMethodTranslation object

Returns translated shipping method fields for the given language code.

ShippingMethodType.translation.languageCode ● LanguageCodeEnum! non-null enum

A language code to return the translation for shipping method.

ShippingMethodType.channelListings ● [ShippingMethodChannelListing!] list object

List of channels available for the method.

Requires MANAGE_SHIPPINGpermission.

ShippingMethodType.maximumOrderPrice ● Money object

The price of the cheapest variant (including discounts).

ShippingMethodType.minimumOrderPrice ● Money object

The price of the cheapest variant (including discounts).

ShippingMethodType.postalCodeRules ● [ShippingMethodPostalCodeRule!] list object

Postal code ranges rule of exclusion or inclusion of the shipping method.

ShippingMethodType.excludedProducts ● ProductCountableConnection object

List of excluded products for the shipping method.

Requires MANAGE_SHIPPINGpermission.
ShippingMethodType.excludedProducts.before ● String scalar

Return the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

ShippingMethodType.excludedProducts.after ● String scalar

Return the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

ShippingMethodType.excludedProducts.first ● Int scalar

Retrieve the first n elements from the list. Note that the system only allows fetching a maximum of 100 objects in a single query.

ShippingMethodType.excludedProducts.last ● Int scalar

Retrieve the last n elements from the list. Note that the system only allows fetching a maximum of 100 objects in a single query.

ShippingMethodType.minimumOrderWeight ● Weight object

Minimum order weight to use this shipping method.

ShippingMethodType.maximumOrderWeight ● Weight object

Maximum order weight to use this shipping method.

ShippingMethodType.maximumDeliveryDays ● Int scalar

Maximum number of days for delivery.

ShippingMethodType.minimumDeliveryDays ● Int scalar

Minimal number of days for delivery.

ShippingMethodType.taxClass ● TaxClass object

Tax class assigned to this shipping method.

Requires one of the following permissions: AUTHENTICATED_STAFF_USERAUTHENTICATED_APP


Node interface

An object with an ID

ObjectWithMetadata interface

Member of

ShippingMethodChannelListingUpdate object ● ShippingMethodTranslatableContent object ● ShippingPriceCreate object ● ShippingPriceCreated object ● ShippingPriceDelete object ● ShippingPriceDeleted object ● ShippingPriceExcludeProducts object ● ShippingPriceRemoveProductFromExclude object ● ShippingPriceTranslate object ● ShippingPriceUpdate object ● ShippingPriceUpdated object ● ShippingZone object

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