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List of the shop's product types.

filter: ProductTypeFilterInput
sortBy: ProductTypeSortingInput
before: String
after: String
first: Int
last: Int
): ProductTypeCountableConnection


productTypes.filter ● ProductTypeFilterInput input products

Filtering options for product types.

productTypes.sortBy ● ProductTypeSortingInput input products

Sort product types.

productTypes.before ● String scalar miscellaneous

Return the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

productTypes.after ● String scalar miscellaneous

Return the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

productTypes.first ● Int scalar miscellaneous

Retrieve the first n elements from the list. Note that the system only allows fetching a maximum of 100 objects in a single query.

productTypes.last ● Int scalar miscellaneous

Retrieve the last n elements from the list. Note that the system only allows fetching a maximum of 100 objects in a single query.


ProductTypeCountableConnection object products