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Represents availability of a product in the storefront.

type ProductPricingInfo {
onSale: Boolean
discount: TaxedMoney
discountLocalCurrency: TaxedMoney @deprecated
displayGrossPrices: Boolean!
priceRange: TaxedMoneyRange
priceRangeUndiscounted: TaxedMoneyRange
priceRangeLocalCurrency: TaxedMoneyRange @deprecated


ProductPricingInfo.onSale ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Whether it is in sale or not. ● TaxedMoney object miscellaneous

The discount amount if in sale (null otherwise).

ProductPricingInfo.discountLocalCurrency ● TaxedMoney deprecated object miscellaneous


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Always returns null.

The discount amount in the local currency.

ProductPricingInfo.displayGrossPrices ● Boolean! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Determines whether displayed prices should include taxes.

Added in Saleor 3.9

ProductPricingInfo.priceRange ● TaxedMoneyRange object miscellaneous

The discounted price range of the product variants.

ProductPricingInfo.priceRangeUndiscounted ● TaxedMoneyRange object miscellaneous

The undiscounted price range of the product variants.

ProductPricingInfo.priceRangeLocalCurrency ● TaxedMoneyRange deprecated object miscellaneous


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Always returns null.

The discounted price range of the product variants in the local currency.

Member Of

Product object ● ProductChannelListing object