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Version: 3.x


Represents availability of a product in the storefront.

type ProductPricingInfo {
onSale: Boolean
discount: TaxedMoney
discountLocalCurrency: TaxedMoney @deprecated
displayGrossPrices: Boolean!
priceRange: TaxedMoneyRange
priceRangeUndiscounted: TaxedMoneyRange
priceRangeLocalCurrency: TaxedMoneyRange @deprecated


ProductPricingInfo.onSale ● Boolean scalar

Whether it is in sale or not. ● TaxedMoney object

The discount amount if in sale (null otherwise).

ProductPricingInfo.discountLocalCurrency ● TaxedMoney deprecated object


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Always returns null.

The discount amount in the local currency.

ProductPricingInfo.displayGrossPrices ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Determines whether displayed prices should include taxes.

Added in Saleor 3.9

ProductPricingInfo.priceRange ● TaxedMoneyRange object

The discounted price range of the product variants.

ProductPricingInfo.priceRangeUndiscounted ● TaxedMoneyRange object

The undiscounted price range of the product variants.

ProductPricingInfo.priceRangeLocalCurrency ● TaxedMoneyRange deprecated object


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Always returns null.

The discounted price range of the product variants in the local currency.

Member of

Product object ● ProductChannelListing object

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