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Creates/updates translations for products.

Added in Saleor 3.15
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.
Requires MANAGE_TRANSLATIONSpermission.

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • TRANSLATION_CREATED (async): Called when a translation was created.
  • TRANSLATION_UPDATED (async): Called when a translation was updated.
errorPolicy: ErrorPolicyEnum
translations: [ProductBulkTranslateInput!]!
): ProductBulkTranslate


productBulkTranslate.errorPolicy ● ErrorPolicyEnum enum miscellaneous

Policies of error handling. DEFAULT: REJECT_EVERYTHING

productBulkTranslate.translations ● [ProductBulkTranslateInput!]! non-null input products

List of product translations.


ProductBulkTranslate object products

Creates/updates translations for products.

Added in Saleor 3.15
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.
Requires MANAGE_TRANSLATIONSpermission.

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • TRANSLATION_CREATED (async): Called when a translation was created.
  • TRANSLATION_UPDATED (async): Called when a translation was updated.