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input ProductTypeInput {
name: String
slug: String
kind: ProductTypeKindEnum
hasVariants: Boolean
productAttributes: [ID!]
variantAttributes: [ID!]
isShippingRequired: Boolean
isDigital: Boolean
weight: WeightScalar
taxCode: String
taxClass: ID

Fields ● String scalar miscellaneous

Name of the product type.

ProductTypeInput.slug ● String scalar miscellaneous

Product type slug.

ProductTypeInput.kind ● ProductTypeKindEnum enum products

The product type kind.

ProductTypeInput.hasVariants ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Determines if product of this type has multiple variants. This option mainly simplifies product management in the dashboard. There is always at least one variant created under the hood.

ProductTypeInput.productAttributes ● [ID!] list scalar miscellaneous

List of attributes shared among all product variants.

ProductTypeInput.variantAttributes ● [ID!] list scalar miscellaneous

List of attributes used to distinguish between different variants of a product.

ProductTypeInput.isShippingRequired ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Determines if shipping is required for products of this variant.

ProductTypeInput.isDigital ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Determines if products are digital.

ProductTypeInput.weight ● WeightScalar scalar miscellaneous

Weight of the ProductType items.

ProductTypeInput.taxCode ● String scalar miscellaneous

Tax rate for enabled tax gateway.

DEPRECATED: this field will be removed in Saleor 4.0.. Use tax classes to control the tax calculation for a product type. If taxCode is provided, Saleor will try to find a tax class with given code (codes are stored in metadata) and assign it. If no tax class is found, it would be created and assigned.

ProductTypeInput.taxClass ● ID scalar miscellaneous

ID of a tax class to assign to this product type. All products of this product type would use this tax class, unless it's overridden in the Product type.

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productTypeCreate mutation ● productTypeUpdate mutation