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input ProductBulkCreateInput {
attributes: [AttributeValueInput!]
category: ID
chargeTaxes: Boolean
collections: [ID!]
description: JSONString
name: String
slug: String
taxClass: ID
taxCode: String
seo: SeoInput
weight: WeightScalar
rating: Float
metadata: [MetadataInput!]
privateMetadata: [MetadataInput!]
externalReference: String
productType: ID!
media: [MediaInput!]
channelListings: [ProductChannelListingCreateInput!]
variants: [ProductVariantBulkCreateInput!]
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ProductBulkCreateInput.attributes ● [AttributeValueInput!] list input attributes

List of attributes.

ProductBulkCreateInput.category ● ID scalar miscellaneous

ID of the product's category.

ProductBulkCreateInput.chargeTaxes ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Determine if taxes are being charged for the product.

DEPRECATED: this field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use Channel.taxConfiguration to configure whether tax collection is enabled.

ProductBulkCreateInput.collections ● [ID!] list scalar miscellaneous

List of IDs of collections that the product belongs to.

ProductBulkCreateInput.description ● JSONString scalar miscellaneous

Product description.

Rich text format. For reference see ● String scalar miscellaneous

Product name.

ProductBulkCreateInput.slug ● String scalar miscellaneous

Product slug.

ProductBulkCreateInput.taxClass ● ID scalar miscellaneous

ID of a tax class to assign to this product. If not provided, product will use the tax class which is assigned to the product type.

ProductBulkCreateInput.taxCode ● String scalar miscellaneous

Tax rate for enabled tax gateway.

DEPRECATED: this field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use tax classes to control the tax calculation for a product. If taxCode is provided, Saleor will try to find a tax class with given code (codes are stored in metadata) and assign it. If no tax class is found, it would be created and assigned.

ProductBulkCreateInput.seo ● SeoInput input miscellaneous

Search engine optimization fields.

ProductBulkCreateInput.weight ● WeightScalar scalar miscellaneous

Weight of the Product.

ProductBulkCreateInput.rating ● Float scalar miscellaneous

Defines the product rating value.

ProductBulkCreateInput.metadata ● [MetadataInput!] list input miscellaneous

Fields required to update the product metadata.

ProductBulkCreateInput.privateMetadata ● [MetadataInput!] list input miscellaneous

Fields required to update the product private metadata.

ProductBulkCreateInput.externalReference ● String scalar miscellaneous

External ID of this product.

ProductBulkCreateInput.productType ● ID! non-null scalar miscellaneous

ID of the type that product belongs to. ● [MediaInput!] list input miscellaneous

List of media inputs associated with the product.

ProductBulkCreateInput.channelListings ● [ProductChannelListingCreateInput!] list input products

List of channels in which the product is available.

ProductBulkCreateInput.variants ● [ProductVariantBulkCreateInput!] list input products

Input list of product variants to create.

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productBulkCreate mutation