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Represents a payment method stored for user (tokenized) in payment gateway.

Added in Saleor 3.15
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.
type StoredPaymentMethod {
id: ID!
gateway: PaymentGateway!
paymentMethodId: String!
creditCardInfo: CreditCard
supportedPaymentFlows: [TokenizedPaymentFlowEnum!]
type: String!
name: String
data: JSON

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Stored payment method ID.

StoredPaymentMethod.gateway ● PaymentGateway! non-null object payments

Payment gateway that stores this payment method.

StoredPaymentMethod.paymentMethodId ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

ID of stored payment method used to make payment actions. Note: method ID is unique only within the payment gateway.

StoredPaymentMethod.creditCardInfo ● CreditCard object payments

Stored credit card details if available.

StoredPaymentMethod.supportedPaymentFlows ● [TokenizedPaymentFlowEnum!] list enum payments

StoredPaymentMethod.type ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Type of the payment method. Example: credit card, wallet, etc. ● String scalar miscellaneous

Payment method name. Example: last 4 digits of credit card, obfuscated email, etc. ● JSON scalar miscellaneous

JSON data returned by Payment Provider app for this payment method.

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Checkout object ● User object