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Version: 3.x


A static page that can be manually added by a shop operator through the dashboard.

type Page implements Node, ObjectWithMetadata {
id: ID!
privateMetadata: [MetadataItem!]!
privateMetafield(key: String!): String
privateMetafields(keys: [String!]): Metadata
metadata: [MetadataItem!]!
metafield(key: String!): String
metafields(keys: [String!]): Metadata
seoTitle: String
seoDescription: String
title: String!
content: JSONString
publicationDate: Date @deprecated
publishedAt: DateTime
isPublished: Boolean!
slug: String!
pageType: PageType!
created: DateTime!
contentJson: JSONString! @deprecated
translation(languageCode: LanguageCodeEnum!): PageTranslation
attributes: [SelectedAttribute!]!
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Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

ID of the page.

Page.privateMetadata ● [MetadataItem!]! non-null object

List of private metadata items. Requires staff permissions to access.

Page.privateMetafield ● String scalar

A single key from private metadata. Requires staff permissions to access.

Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch multiple keys.

Added in Saleor 3.3
Page.privateMetafield.key ● String! non-null scalar

Page.privateMetafields ● Metadata scalar

Private metadata. Requires staff permissions to access. Use keys to control which fields you want to include. The default is to include everything.

Added in Saleor 3.3
Page.privateMetafields.keys ● [String!] list scalar

Page.metadata ● [MetadataItem!]! non-null object

List of public metadata items. Can be accessed without permissions.

Page.metafield ● String scalar

A single key from public metadata.

Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch multiple keys.

Added in Saleor 3.3
Page.metafield.key ● String! non-null scalar

Page.metafields ● Metadata scalar

Public metadata. Use keys to control which fields you want to include. The default is to include everything.

Added in Saleor 3.3
Page.metafields.keys ● [String!] list scalar

Page.seoTitle ● String scalar

Title of the page for SEO.

Page.seoDescription ● String scalar

Description of the page for SEO.

Page.title ● String! non-null scalar

Title of the page.

Page.content ● JSONString scalar

Content of the page.

Rich text format. For reference see

Page.publicationDate ● Date deprecated scalar


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use the publishedAt field to fetch the publication date.

Page.publishedAt ● DateTime scalar

The page publication date.

Added in Saleor 3.3

Page.isPublished ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Determines if the page is published.

Page.slug ● String! non-null scalar

Slug of the page.

Page.pageType ● PageType! non-null object

Determines the type of page

Page.created ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Date and time at which page was created.

Page.contentJson ● JSONString! deprecated non-null scalar


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use the content field instead.

Content of the page.

Rich text format. For reference see

Page.translation ● PageTranslation object

Returns translated page fields for the given language code.

Page.translation.languageCode ● LanguageCodeEnum! non-null enum

A language code to return the translation for page.

Page.attributes ● [SelectedAttribute!]! non-null object

List of attributes assigned to this product.


Node interface

An object with an ID

ObjectWithMetadata interface

Returned by

page query

Member of

MenuItem object ● PageCountableEdge object ● PageCreate object ● PageCreated object ● PageDelete object ● PageDeleted object ● PageReorderAttributeValues object ● PageTranslatableContent object ● PageUpdate object ● PageUpdated object

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