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Represents the promotion that allow creating discounts based on given conditions, and is visible to all the customers.

Added in Saleor 3.17
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.
type Promotion implements Node, ObjectWithMetadata {
id: ID!
privateMetadata: [MetadataItem!]!
privateMetafield(key: String!): String
privateMetafields(keys: [String!]): Metadata
metadata: [MetadataItem!]!
metafield(key: String!): String
metafields(keys: [String!]): Metadata
name: String!
type: PromotionTypeEnum
description: JSON
startDate: DateTime!
endDate: DateTime
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
rules: [PromotionRule!]
translation(languageCode: LanguageCodeEnum!): PromotionTranslation
events: [PromotionEvent!]
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Fields ● ID! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Promotion.privateMetadata ● [MetadataItem!]! non-null object miscellaneous

List of private metadata items. Requires staff permissions to access.

Promotion.privateMetafield ● String scalar miscellaneous

A single key from private metadata. Requires staff permissions to access.

Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch multiple keys.

Added in Saleor 3.3
Promotion.privateMetafield.key ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Promotion.privateMetafields ● Metadata scalar miscellaneous

Private metadata. Requires staff permissions to access. Use keys to control which fields you want to include. The default is to include everything.

Added in Saleor 3.3
Promotion.privateMetafields.keys ● [String!] list scalar miscellaneous

Promotion.metadata ● [MetadataItem!]! non-null object miscellaneous

List of public metadata items. Can be accessed without permissions.

Promotion.metafield ● String scalar miscellaneous

A single key from public metadata.

Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch multiple keys.

Added in Saleor 3.3
Promotion.metafield.key ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Promotion.metafields ● Metadata scalar miscellaneous

Public metadata. Use keys to control which fields you want to include. The default is to include everything.

Added in Saleor 3.3
Promotion.metafields.keys ● [String!] list scalar miscellaneous ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Name of the promotion.

Promotion.type ● PromotionTypeEnum enum discounts

The type of the promotion. Implicate if the discount is applied on catalogue or order level.

Added in Saleor 3.19
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.

Promotion.description ● JSON scalar miscellaneous

Description of the promotion.

Promotion.startDate ● DateTime! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Start date of the promotion.

Promotion.endDate ● DateTime scalar miscellaneous

End date of the promotion.

Promotion.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Date time of promotion creation.

Promotion.updatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Date time of last update of promotion.

Promotion.rules ● [PromotionRule!] list object discounts

The list of promotion rules.

Promotion.translation ● PromotionTranslation object discounts

Returns translated promotion fields for the given language code.

Promotion.translation.languageCode ● LanguageCodeEnum! non-null enum miscellaneous

A language code to return the translation for promotion. ● [PromotionEvent!] list union miscellaneous

The list of events associated with the promotion.


Node interface miscellaneous

An object with an ID

ObjectWithMetadata interface miscellaneous

Returned By

promotion query

Member Of

PromotionCountableEdge object ● PromotionCreate object ● PromotionCreated object ● PromotionDelete object ● PromotionDeleted object ● PromotionEnded object ● PromotionRule object ● PromotionStarted object ● PromotionTranslate object ● PromotionUpdate object ● PromotionUpdated object