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Update a channel.

Requires MANAGE_CHANNELSpermission.
Requires one of the following permissions when updating only `orderSettings` field: `MANAGE_CHANNELS``MANAGE_ORDERS`
Requires one of the following permissions when updating only `checkoutSettings` field: `MANAGE_CHANNELS``MANAGE_CHECKOUTS`
Requires one of the following permissions when updating only `paymentSettings` field: `MANAGE_CHANNELS``HANDLE_PAYMENTS`

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • CHANNEL_UPDATED (async): A channel was updated.
  • CHANNEL_METADATA_UPDATED (async): Optionally triggered when public or private metadata is updated.
id: ID!
input: ChannelUpdateInput!
): ChannelUpdate

Arguments ● ID! non-null scalar miscellaneous

ID of a channel to update.

channelUpdate.input ● ChannelUpdateInput! non-null input channels

Fields required to update a channel.


ChannelUpdate object channels

Update a channel.

Requires MANAGE_CHANNELSpermission.
Requires one of the following permissions when updating only `orderSettings` field: `MANAGE_CHANNELS``MANAGE_ORDERS`
Requires one of the following permissions when updating only `checkoutSettings` field: `MANAGE_CHANNELS``MANAGE_CHECKOUTS`
Requires one of the following permissions when updating only `paymentSettings` field: `MANAGE_CHANNELS``HANDLE_PAYMENTS`

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • CHANNEL_UPDATED (async): A channel was updated.
  • CHANNEL_METADATA_UPDATED (async): Optionally triggered when public or private metadata is updated.