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Obtain external access tokens for user by custom plugin.

type ExternalObtainAccessTokens {
token: String
refreshToken: String
csrfToken: String
user: User
accountErrors: [AccountError!]! @deprecated
errors: [AccountError!]!


ExternalObtainAccessTokens.token ● String scalar miscellaneous

The token, required to authenticate.

ExternalObtainAccessTokens.refreshToken ● String scalar miscellaneous

The refresh token, required to re-generate external access token.

ExternalObtainAccessTokens.csrfToken ● String scalar miscellaneous

CSRF token required to re-generate external access token.

ExternalObtainAccessTokens.user ● User object users

A user instance.

ExternalObtainAccessTokens.accountErrors ● [AccountError!]! deprecated non-null object users


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use errors field instead.

ExternalObtainAccessTokens.errors ● [AccountError!]! non-null object users

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externalObtainAccessTokens mutation