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Updates attributes.

Added in Saleor 3.15
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED (async): An attribute was updated. Optionally called when new attribute value was created or deleted.
  • ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_CREATED (async): Called optionally when an attribute value was created.
  • ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DELETED (async): Called optionally when an attribute value was deleted.
type AttributeBulkUpdate {
count: Int!
results: [AttributeBulkUpdateResult!]!
errors: [AttributeBulkUpdateError!]!


AttributeBulkUpdate.count ● Int! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Returns how many objects were updated.

AttributeBulkUpdate.results ● [AttributeBulkUpdateResult!]! non-null object attributes

List of the updated attributes.

AttributeBulkUpdate.errors ● [AttributeBulkUpdateError!]! non-null object attributes

Returned By

attributeBulkUpdate mutation