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Sync webhooks circuit breakers

Circuit breakers are a mechanism that temporarily shuts down an app in case of a high number of webhook errors. The feature is off by default.

Breaker states​


This is a normal operation state, all webhooks are sent as usual.


The breaker is open when the number of errors exceeds the threshold. In this state, all webhooks are rejected.


In this state, the breaker allows the requests like in closed state (allowing requests to pass through), however using different thresholds.


This is different from common implementation of breakers in which the requests are throttled in half-open state.

Configuring the feature​

To turn the feature on, set the BREAKER_BOARD_ENABLED environment variable to True.

BREAKER_BOARD_SYNC_EVENTS is the setting which allows you to specify the events that should be monitored by the circuit breaker (comma separated). For example: "checkout_calculate_taxes, shipping_list_methods_for_checkout".

BREAKER_BOARD_DRY_RUN_SYNC_EVENTS setting is off by default, if you set it to True, the breaker will act as it's on, but only in terms of logging, etc. However it will not block any requests. This is useful for testing the breaker without affecting the webhooks behavior.

Transitions between states​


Breaker states are being changed automatically as the requests go by. The breaker is monitoring the events and act accordingly. Note that all of circuit breaker events (both success and failures) have a 5 minutes TTL (time to live) and are stored in Redis. On each transition, the events are purged, so each state has a fresh start and is not contaminated by older events.

Closed to Open​

The conditions on which breaker enters open state are controlled by two constants:

  • BREAKER_BOARD_FAILURE_MIN_COUNT - it is set to 100 and is the minimum number of failures that must occur before the breaker can trip.
  • BREAKER_BOARD_FAILURE_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE - it is set to 35 (percent) and is the ratio of failures to total requests that must be exceeded before the breaker trips, assuming BREAKER_BOARD_FAILURE_MIN_COUNT is satisfied.
  • BREAKER_BOARD_TTL_SECONDS - it is set to (last) 5 minutes and is the time window in which the breaker is monitoring the events. Older events are automatically removed.

These constants can be found here.

Open to Half-open​

After the breaker enters open state, no webhooks are sent for a certain amount of time. This time is called the cooldown period and it defaults to 2 minutes. Then the breaker automatically transitions to the half-open state.

Half-open back to Open​

The breaker will trip again if the number of errors exceeds the threshold and minimum count. The conditions on which breaker re-enters open state are controlled by another two constants:

  • BREAKER_BOARD_FAILURE_MIN_COUNT_RECOVERY - simmiliar to BREAKER_BOARD_FAILURE_MIN_COUNT, but it defaults to 20 and is the minimum number of failures that must occur before the breaker can trip again.
  • BREAKER_BOARD_FAILURE_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE_RECOVERY - simmiliar to BREAKER_BOARD_FAILURE_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE, but it defaults to 30 (percent) and is the ratio of failures to total requests that must be exceeded before the breaker trips again.
  • BREAKER_BOARD_TTL_SECONDS - it is set to (last) 5 minutes and is the time window in which the breaker is monitoring the events. Older events are automatically removed.

These constants can be found here.

Half-open back to Closed​

If the number of successful requests is met, the breaker transitions back to the closed state. This is controlled by BREAKER_BOARD_SUCCESS_COUNT_RECOVERY constant, which defaults to 50.

State transition diagram​


The breaker states can be observed on App type which includes two new fields - App.breakerState and App.breakerLastStateChange. There is a mutation to manually reset the breaker state - appReenableSyncWebhooks. It might be usefull if the network infrastructure on webhook end is responding correctly, but the breaker is still in open state and it's desired to resume the webhooks quickly.