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We welcome all contributions to Saleor, including issues, new features, docs, discussions, and more. Read the following document to learn more about the process of contribution.


Use GitHub Issues to report a bug or problem you found in Saleor. Use the "Bug report" issue template to provide information that will help us confirm the bug, such as steps to reproduce, expected behavior, the Saleor version, and any additional context. When our team confirms a bug, it will be added to the internal backlog and picked up as soon as possible. When willing to fix a bug, let us know in the issue comment, and we will try to assist you on the way. The new version unifies error handling across the API. All mutation responses have an errors field. It contains detailed information about the issue(s). For example:

Good first issues

If you need ideas for where to start, check for a label Good first issues in GitHub issues.

New features

When willing to propose or add a new feature, we encourage you first to open a discussion or an issue (using the "Feature request" template) to discuss it with the core team. This process helps us decide whether a feature is suitable for Saleor or refine it before implementation starts.

Before merging, the core team must review and approve any new pull requests submitted to Saleor. We review pull requests daily, but if a pull request requires more time or feedback from the team, it will be marked as "queued for review".

Running Saleor with dev containers

To get up and running quickly without having to install dependencies, you can use the dev container which utilizes docker to provide a development environment.

IDE instructions:

Managing dependencies


To guarantee repeatable installations, we manage the project dependencies using Poetry. You can find the project’s direct dependencies in pyproject.toml. Running poetry lock generates poetry.lock, which has all versions pinned.

You can install Poetry by using pip install --pre poetry or by following the official installation guide here. We recommend using at least version 1.0.0b as it contains many fixes and features that Saleor relies on.


We recommend using this workflow and keeping pyproject.toml and poetry.lock under version control to ensure that all computers and environments run the same code.

File structure

We are using a standard Django structure - every app has its directory, where you can find:

  • migrations directory
  • management directory
  • models
  • utils - that keeps some functions of general utility related to this module
  • error codes - the definitions of errors that might have appeared
  • tests directory - that contains related tests, etc.

API file structure

The API files are in saleor/graphql/ directory. Every app has its directory inside with:

  • - with definitions of queries and mutations
  • - with definitions of sorters
  • - with definitions of filters
  • - with definitions of corresponding types
  • - with related enums
  • - with data loaders for the given module
  • mutations file or directory
  • tests directory

We aim to have a mutations directory in every module with a file per every mutation, as in the checkout directory. See the example below:

└── saleor
└── graphql
└── checkout
├── mutations
│ └──
│ └──

Tests file structure

We keep tests in the tests directory. We want to keep queries and mutations in separate directories with a single file for every query and mutation. After joining it with the previous example, it would look like this:

└── saleor
└── graphql
└── checkout
├── mutations
│   └──
│ └──
└── tests
├── mutations
│   ├──
│   └──
└── queries


Testing is an essential part of every project. In Saleor, we use the pytest library and mostly have unit tests.

To reduce tests execution time, we use pytest-xdist that allows running tests on more than one CPU. By default, we use -n=auto, which creates a separate process equal to the number of available CPUs.

We are also using pytest-socket to ensure that our tests do not hit any external API without explicitly allowing this.

The test file structure was introduced in the tests file structure. The main rule is not to overload test files. Smaller files are always preferable over big ones where lots of logic is tested, and it's hard to extend. In the case of testing the API, we would like to split all tests into mutations and queries sections and test every query and mutation in a separate file.

How to run tests?

To run tests, enter pytest in your terminal.


We recommend using the reuse-db flag to speed up testing time.

pytest --reuse-db

How to run particular tests?

As running all tests is quite time-consuming, sometimes you want to run only tests from one dictionary or even just a particular test. You can use the following command for that. In the case of a particular directory or file, provide the path after the pytest command, like:

pytest --reuse-db saleor/graphql/app/tests

If you want to run a particular test, you need to provide the path to the file where the test is and the file name after the :: sign. In the case of running a single test, it's also worth using the -n0 flag to run the test only in one thread. It will significantly decrease time. See an example below:

pytest --reuse-db saleor/graphql/app/tests/mutations/ -n0

Using pdb when testing

If you would like to use pdb in code when running a test, you need to use a few flags -n0 to one test in a single thread, -s to disable capturing standard output by pytest, and --allow-hosts with a default port, as we disabled sockets by default. So the previous example will look like this:

pytest --reuse-db saleor/graphql/app/tests/mutations/ -n0 -s --allow-hosts=

Recording cassettes

Some of our tests use cassettes to record requests and responses from external APIs. To record one, you need to use the vcr-record flag and specify allow-hosts:

pytest --vcr-record=once saleor/app/tests/ --allow-hosts=

Writing benchmark tests

The benchmark tests allow us to keep track of several database queries for mutations and queries. Tests should be added for every new mutation or query for objects. The benchmark tests are in benchmark directory, every test must be marked with pytest.mark.django_db and pytest.mark.count_queries(autouse=False) decorators and must have count_queries argument. For more details, check pytest-django-queries package.

def test_apps_for_federation_query_count(

To check the number of queries, run the benchmark test, and after that, call the following command in your terminal:

django-queries show

You will see the number of queries that were performed for each test in every file.

Given, when, then

We recommend using given, when, then to distinguish between different test parts. It significantly improves test readability and clarifies what you are testing.

Don't be afraid of docstrings

Use docstring, especially for more complicated tests. Describe what you test and what it is supposed to verify. Often, the test name is not enough to explain the expected behavior. Also, it will help to see that the test should be split into two, as it tests too much logic at once. In addition, it's beneficial in test maintenance.

Coding style

Saleor uses various tools to maintain a standard coding style and help with development. To install all the development tools, use poetry:

poetry install

Saleor uses the pre-commit tool to check and automatically fix any formatting issues before creating a git commit.

Run the following command to install pre-commit into your git hooks and have it run on every commit:

pre-commit install

For more information on how it works, see the .pre-commit-config.yaml configuration file.

Saleor has a strict formatting policy enforced by the black formatting tool.

Module names should make their purpose obvious. Avoid generic file names such as


Use black to ensure your code is correctly formatted.

Use isort to maintain consistent imports.

Use pylint with the pylint-django plugin to catch errors in your code.

Use pycodestyle to ensure your code adheres to PEP 8.

Use pydocstyle to check that your docstrings are properly formatted.


EditorConfig is a standard configuration file that aims to ensure consistent style across multiple programming environments.

Saleor’s repository contains an .editorconfig file describing our formatting requirements.

Most editors and IDEs support this file either directly or via plugins. See the list of supported editors and IDEs for detailed instructions.

If you ensure that your programming environment respects the contents of this file, you will automatically get correct indentation, encoding, and line endings.

Tips and recommendation

Here are some tips and recommendations for limiting the number of comments to your PR. If you follow those rules, both sides will be happy.


Use relative imports.


  • The UUID is the preferred type of PK for the main models, especially for models that keep sensitive data.
  • Use created_at field name for creation date time and updated_at for update date time.
  • The new models should have a default sorting value set. It ensures that data is always returned in the same order and prevent flaky tests.


Try to combine multiple migrations into one, but remember not to mix changes on the database with updating rows in migrations. In other words, operations that alter tables and use RunPython to run methods on existing data should be in separate files. Follow zero-downtime policy when writing migrations.

Handling migrations between versions

If you need to add the migration to the module that has different migrations on different versions, you need to start from the lower version (let's say 3.1) and make the changes that you want to apply there.

Then you need to move to the upper version (in our case it will be 3.2), cherry-pick the newly added migration (on the 3.1 version), and create a migration merge if needed with the use of ./ makemigrations --merge. Follow these steps on all versions and on the main branch.

Reversible migrations

We should keep all migrations reversible. Each time you add new migrations, especially custom ones with RunPython and RunSQL operations, ensure that you define the reverse option. The easiest option and enough for most cases is just using migrations.RunPython.noop.

Utility functions

Utility functions specific to the API should go to the graphql directory, otherwise to the main module directory, usually to the file. Try to find a name as descriptive as possible when writing such a method. Also, do not forget about the docstring, especially in a complicated function.


So far, we have mainly used the GinIndex and ilike operators for searching, but currently, we are testing a new solution with the use of SearchVector and SearchRank. You can find it in this PR #9344.


  • Use id for mutation inputs instead of model_name_id.
  • Use created_at field name for creation date time and updated_at for update date time.

API field descriptions

Every mutation, mutation field, and type field should have a short, meaningful description ending with a dot. Also, we labeled every new field with info in which version it was introduced, and when it's a new feature, we added the preview feature label. The labels ADDED_IN_X and PREVIEW_FEATURE should be at the end of the description. All labels can be found in saleor/graphql/core/

When we want to remove the API field, we mark it first as DEPRECATED. In a field definition, there is a dedicated argument for that: deprecation_reason, but for mutation arguments, we use DEPRECATED_IN_X_INPUT label in the description.

How to define permissions in queries/mutations?

To define permission in queries, use the permission_required decorator to provide one or multiple permissions that are required or the one_of_permissions_required decorator that allows a user with at least one permission to perform the action.

In the case of mutations, the permissions are defined in the Meta arguments in the permissions field. To represent all permissions the same way, we introduced the AuthorizationFilters enum that represents permission checks that are based on functions instead of named admin permission scopes. When raising PermissionDenied, the error should mention which permissions are required to perform the given action.


Required permissions should be mentioned in the GraphQL description.

Handling changes on API in PREVIEW_FEATURE

Applying changes on API fields with PREVIEW_FEATURE must be handled with the deprecation, but the deprecated fields can be removed in the next minor version. The changes must be mentioned in the Braking changes section of the changelog.

Error codes

New mutations should always have their error class. Example: instead of using generic PaymentErrorCode, for PaymentCreate mutation we could have PaymentCreateErrorCode. The frontend will get a list of error codes that could be triggered by this mutation instead of the list of all errors that could be raised by ALL payment mutations.

The error classes are defined in the saleor/graphql/core/types/ file. You will need the GraphQL enum with error codes to create the new one. First, create a new enum in the file in the main app directory. Then use it to create a GraphQL enum in the saleor/graphql/core/ file. When defining a GraphQL enum, you could specify the enum type name and attach the description, for example, the enum docstring, as is shown below.

AppTypeEnum = to_enum(

Now you are ready to define the error class. The class must inherit from Error and have a code field. All other fields are optional, but it could be helpful to specify what inputs raised an error. Here is an example:

class AppError(Error):
code = AppErrorCode(description="The error code.", required=True)
permissions = NonNullList(
description="List of permissions which causes the error.",

Sorting and filtering

To allow sorting of the queryset, you must create the SortInputObjectType and corresponding sorting enum, and it should go to the dedicated file in the given app module in the API.

class AppSortField(graphene.Enum):
NAME = ["name", "pk"]
CREATION_DATE = ["created", "name", "pk"]

def description(self):
if in AppSortField.__enum__._member_names_:
sort_name ="_", " ")
return f"Sort apps by {sort_name}."
raise ValueError("Unsupported enum value: %s" % self.value)

class AppSortingInput(SortInputObjectType):
class Meta:
sort_enum = AppSortField
type_name = "apps"

Remember, the list with sorting order must have a unique field.


Sometimes you would like to sort the data by some field that should be calculated, which isn't the model field. There is an option for that; you need to create a method whose name starts with qs_with followed by a sort field name in lowercase. The method should annotate the queryset to contain the new value. Look at the example:

class CollectionSortField(graphene.Enum):
NAME = ["name", "slug"]
PRODUCT_COUNT = ["product_count", "slug"]

def description(self):
if in CollectionSortField.__enum__._member_names_:
sort_name ="_", " ")
return f"Sort collections by {sort_name}."
raise ValueError("Unsupported enum value: %s" % self.value)

def qs_with_product_count(queryset: QuerySet, **_kwargs) -> QuerySet:
return queryset.annotate(product_count=Count("collectionproduct__id"))

A similar behavior can be found in filtering: you need to create FilterInputObjectType and Django FilterSet in a dedicated file.

class AppFilterInput(FilterInputObjectType):
class Meta:
filterset_class = AppFilter

class AppFilter(django_filters.FilterSet):
type = EnumFilter(input_class=AppTypeEnum, method=filter_app_type)
search = django_filters.CharFilter(method=filter_app_search)
is_active = django_filters.BooleanFilter()

class Meta:
model = models.App
fields = ["search", "is_active"]

Next, you need to create the CountableConnection for a given query:

class AppCountableConnection(CountableConnection):
class Meta:
node = App

Then in the file, you need to change the corresponding query. It must be a FilterConnectionField with created connection field, sorting input must be used in the sort_by argument, and filter input in the filter argument of the query:

class AppQueries(graphene.ObjectType):
apps = FilterConnectionField(
filter=AppFilterInput(description="Filtering options for apps."),
sort_by=AppSortingInput(description="Sort apps."),
description="List of the apps.",

How to handle breaking changes?

  • provide a compatibility layer by supporting two solutions for a specified time period and removing them in the next major version
  • deprecate API fields instead of removing them


To check if your solution is well-optimized, you can visualize the execution plan for the performed SQL statements.


To reliably check the performance, it should be tested on at least 1000 instances.

Below you find a step-by-step guide on how to do this with the use of explain.

  1. In the first step you need to add debug to the GraphQL queries and mutations. To do this, follow the steps that are described here. Extend the Mutation object type in the same way as the Query object type is extended.
  2. Extend the query that you want to measure with the _debug part:
_debug {
sql {

You can find an example here.

  1. Next, choose the statement that you want to visualize from the data that you received.
  2. Create the .sql file (e.x. data.sql) with EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, COSTS, VERBOSE, BUFFERS, FORMAT JSON) followed by a chosen statement.
  3. Run the command below in your terminal in the localization of the previously created file.
psql -h <host-name> -p <db-port> -U <db-user> -XqAt -f data.sql > analyze.json

It should look similar to:

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U saleor -XqAt -f data.sql > analyze.json
  1. Open the analyze.json, copy the data and paste it to the plan input field in explain.dalibo. Add an optional corresponding SQL query if you wish.
  2. Press the Submit button and that's it. You can analyze what you get.

Git commit messages

To speed up the review process and to keep the logs tidy, we recommend the following rules on how to write good commit messages:

Summary line

  • It should contain less than 50 characters. It is best to make it short
  • Introduce what has changed, using imperatives: fix, add, modify, etc.


  • Add extra explanation if you feel it will help others to understand the summary content
  • If you want, use bullet points (each bullet beginning with a hyphen or an asterisk)
  • Avoid writing in one line. Use line breaks so the reader does not have to scroll horizontally

To ease review, limit your commits to a single, self-contained issue. This will also help others to understand and manage them in the future.

For more information and tips on how to write good commit messages, see the GitHub guide.

Pull requests

Remember to add a meaningful title and a good description when you open a pull request. Please describe what is changing, the reason for doing that, or what problem it fixes. If it resolves a GitHub issue, please link it. Wait for all actions to be performed, and if all is green, request the saleor/core group for review.


We have a file where we keep the info about the introduced changes. The file contains separate parts for every release. You should put each new item under the Unreleased section. This section is split into Breaking changes and Other changes. The changelog entry should consist of the name of the PR, the PR number, and the author's name. It may also contain an additional explanation. Here is an example:

- Add multichannel - #6242 by @exampleUser

What is considered a breaking change?

Here is a complete list of changes that we consider breaking:

  • deleting a field from the GraphQL schema / renaming the field name
  • deleting the field from the webhook payload / changing the name of the returned field
  • changing signatures of plugins functions (PluginsManager) - breaking only for existing plugins
  • adding new validation in a mutation logic - it may break storefronts and apps
  • changing of the API behavior even if the schema doesn't change - e.g., the type of field hasn't changed, but the requirements for value has

Any change that is not specified there should go to the Other changes section.

I'm adding a fix to a just-merged feature. Should I add a changelog record for that?

The changelog shouldn't reflect the history of building a feature, but it should provide the information for other developers that an actual feature was added. If the feature wasn't released, and you believe the PR number of the fix is worth mentioning, the existing changelog entry should be extended:

- Add multichannel - #6242, #6250 by @exampleUser

If the fix is not crucial, it shouldn't be mentioned separately.

If a feature was released, you could add a separate changelog entry to mention a regular bug fix.