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SMTP App Troubleshooting

By following the troubleshooting guidelines outlined here, you'll be able to troubleshoot and resolve common email-related issues, ensuring that your emails reach the intended recipients' inboxes.

If you encounter a problem that is not covered here or need further assistance, we recommend reaching out to the GitHub Issues page.


  • Make sure the configuration is activated
    1. Go to configuration details
    2. In the Status and name section, Active should be checked
  • Configuration is enabled for the channel
    1. Go to configuration details
    2. If channel assignment is overwritten, ensure the channel the event originated from is not excluded
  • Ensure the sender details are filled in
    1. Go to configuration details
    2. Fill fields in the Sender section
  • Event is activated
    1. Go to configuration details
    2. In the Events section, Active should be checked for events you are investigating
  • Template preview is rendering
    1. Go to configuration details
    2. In the Events section, click on Edit for the event you are investigating
    3. Template on the right-hand side should be rendered properly
  • If your server validates outgoing messages, the sender's email address is the same as used by the inbox
    1. Go to configuration details
    2. Check the Sender's email address