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Manage Saleor Apps​


$ saleor app --help

Help output:

saleor app [command]

Manage Saleor Apps

saleor app list List installed Saleor Apps for an environment
saleor app install Install a Saleor App by URL
saleor app uninstall <app-id> Uninstall a Saleor App by ID. You need to provide `appId`. List available apps and their IDs with `saleor app list`.
saleor app create [name] Create a new Saleor Local App
saleor app tunnel [port] Expose your Saleor app remotely with ngrok tunnel
saleor app token Create a Saleor App token
saleor app permission Add or remove permission for a Saleor App
saleor app template [name] Create an App with Saleor App Template
saleor app remove [app-id] Create a new Saleor Local App

--json Output the data as JSON [boolean] [default: false]
--short Output data as text [boolean] [default: false]
-u, --instance, --url Saleor instance API URL (must start with the protocol, i.e. https:// or http://) [string]
-V, --version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
Expand â–¼

app list​

$ saleor app list --help

Help output:

saleor app list

List installed Saleor Apps for an environment

--json Output the data as JSON [boolean] [default: false]
--short Output data as text [boolean] [default: false]
-u, --instance, --url Saleor instance API URL (must start with the protocol, i.e. https:// or http://) [string]
-V, --version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]

saleor app list

app install​

$ saleor app install --help

Help output:

saleor app install

Install a Saleor App by URL

--json Output the data as JSON [boolean] [default: false]
--short Output data as text [boolean] [default: false]
-u, --instance, --url Saleor instance API URL (must start with the protocol, i.e. https:// or http://) [string]
--via-dashboard [boolean] [default: false]
--app-name Application name [string]
--manifest-URL Application Manifest URL [string]
-V, --version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]

saleor app install --manifest-URL="
saleor app install --manifest-URL=" --app-name="Saleor app"
saleor app install --organization="organization-slug" --environment="env-id-or-name" --app-name="Saleor app" --manifest-URL=""

app uninstall​

$ saleor app uninstall --help

Help output:

saleor app uninstall <app-id>

Uninstall a Saleor App by ID. You need to provide `appId`. List available apps and their IDs with `saleor app list`.

app-id The Saleor App id [string] [required]

--json Output the data as JSON [boolean] [default: false]
--short Output data as text [boolean] [default: false]
-u, --instance, --url Saleor instance API URL (must start with the protocol, i.e. https:// or http://) [string]
-V, --version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]

saleor app uninstall app-id
saleor app uninstall app-id --organization="organization-slug" --environment="env-id-or-name"

app create​

$ saleor app create --help

Help output:

saleor app create [name]

Create a new Saleor Local App

name name for the new Local App [string]

--json Output the data as JSON [boolean] [default: false]
--short Output data as text [boolean] [default: false]
-u, --instance, --url Saleor instance API URL (must start with the protocol, i.e. https:// or http://) [string]
--permissions The array of permissions [array]
-V, --version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]

saleor app create --name="my saleor app" --permissions=MANAGE_USERS --permissions=MANAGE_STAFF
saleor app create --name="my saleor app" --organization="organization-slug" --environment="env-id-or-name" --permissions=MANAGE_USERS --permissions=MANAGE_STAFF

app tunnel​

$ saleor app tunnel --help

Help output:

saleor app tunnel [port]

Expose your Saleor app remotely with ngrok tunnel

port [number] [default: 3000]

--json Output the data as JSON [boolean] [default: false]
--short Output data as text [boolean] [default: false]
-u, --instance, --url Saleor instance API URL (must start with the protocol, i.e. https:// or http://) [string]
--name The application name for installation in the Dashboard [string]
--force-install Force the Saleor App Install [boolean] [default: false]
--manifest-path The application's manifest path [string] [default: "/api/manifest"]
-V, --version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]

saleor app tunnel --name="Custom name"
saleor app tunnel --force-install
saleor app tunnel --manifest-path="/app/manifest"
saleor app tunnel --organization="organization-slug" --environment="env-id-or-name"
Expand â–¼

app token​

$ saleor app token --help

Help output:

saleor app token

Create a Saleor App token

--json Output the data as JSON [boolean] [default: false]
--short Output data as text [boolean] [default: false]
-u, --instance, --url Saleor instance API URL (must start with the protocol, i.e. https:// or http://) [string]
--app-id The Saleor App id [string]
-V, --version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]

saleor app token
saleor app token --app-id="app-id"
saleor app token --app-id="app-id=" --organization="organization-slug" --environment="env-id-or-name"

app permission​

$ saleor app permission --help

Help output:

saleor app permission

Add or remove permission for a Saleor App

--json Output the data as JSON [boolean] [default: false]
--short Output data as text [boolean] [default: false]
-u, --instance, --url Saleor instance API URL (must start with the protocol, i.e. https:// or http://) [string]
--app-id The Saleor App id [string]
--permissions The array of permissions [array]
-V, --version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]

saleor app permission --app-id="app-id" --permissions=MANAGE_USERS --permissions=MANAGE_STAFF
saleor app permission --organization="organization-slug" --environment="env-id-or-name" --app-id="app-id" --permissions=MANAGE_USERS --permissions=MANAGE_STAFF

app template​

$ saleor app template --help

Help output:

saleor app template [name]

Create an App with Saleor App Template

name [string] [default: "my-saleor-app"]

--json Output the data as JSON [boolean] [default: false]
--short Output data as text [boolean] [default: false]
-u, --instance, --url Saleor instance API URL (must start with the protocol, i.e. https:// or http://) [string]
--dependencies, --deps [boolean] [default: true]
-t, --template, --repo, --repository [string] [default: "saleor/saleor-app-template"]
-b, --branch [string] [default: "main"]
-e, --example [string]
-V, --version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]

app remove​

$ saleor app remove --help

Help output:

saleor app remove [app-id]

Create a new Saleor Local App

--json Output the data as JSON [boolean] [default: false]
--short Output data as text [boolean] [default: false]
-u, --instance, --url Saleor instance API URL (must start with the protocol, i.e. https:// or http://) [string]
--app-id The Saleor App id [string]
--force skip confirmation prompt [boolean]
-V, --version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]

saleor app remove
saleor app remove --app-id="app-id" --environment="env-id-or-name" --force