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collection Query

Look up a collection by ID or slug. If slugLanguageCode is provided, category will be fetched by slug translation.

Requires one of the following permissions to include the unpublished items: MANAGE_ORDERSMANAGE_DISCOUNTSMANAGE_PRODUCTS
id: ID
slug: String
slugLanguageCode: LanguageCodeEnum
channel: String
): Collection

Arguments ● ID scalar miscellaneous

ID of the collection.

collection.slug ● String scalar miscellaneous

Slug of the collection

collection.slugLanguageCode ● LanguageCodeEnum enum miscellaneous

Language code of the collection slug, omit to use primary slug.

Added in Saleor 3.21 (unreleased) ● String scalar miscellaneous

Slug of a channel for which the data should be returned.


Collection object products

Represents a collection of products.