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CollectionTranslation Object

Represents collection translations.

type CollectionTranslation implements Node {
id: ID!
language: LanguageDisplay!
seoTitle: String
seoDescription: String
slug: String
name: String
description: JSONString
descriptionJson: JSONString @deprecated
translatableContent: CollectionTranslatableContent

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar miscellaneous

The ID of the collection translation.

CollectionTranslation.language ● LanguageDisplay! non-null object miscellaneous

Translation language.

CollectionTranslation.seoTitle ● String scalar miscellaneous

Translated SEO title.

CollectionTranslation.seoDescription ● String scalar miscellaneous

Translated SEO description.

CollectionTranslation.slug ● String scalar miscellaneous

Translated collection slug.

Added in Saleor 3.21 (unreleased) ● String scalar miscellaneous

Translated collection name.

CollectionTranslation.description ● JSONString scalar miscellaneous

Translated description of the collection.

Rich text format. For reference see

CollectionTranslation.descriptionJson ● JSONString deprecated scalar miscellaneous


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use the description field instead.

Translated description of the collection.

Rich text format. For reference see

CollectionTranslation.translatableContent ● CollectionTranslatableContent object products

Represents the collection fields to translate.


Node interface miscellaneous

An object with an ID

Member Of

Collection object ● CollectionTranslatableContent object

Implemented By

TranslationTypes union