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CheckoutLineUpdateInput Input Type

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input CheckoutLineUpdateInput {
variantId: ID
quantity: Int
price: PositiveDecimal
lineId: ID


CheckoutLineUpdateInput.variantId ● ID scalar miscellaneous

ID of the product variant.

DEPRECATED: this field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use lineId instead.

CheckoutLineUpdateInput.quantity ● Int scalar miscellaneous

The number of items purchased. Optional for apps, required for any other users.

CheckoutLineUpdateInput.price ● PositiveDecimal scalar miscellaneous

Custom price of the item. Can be set only by apps with HANDLE_CHECKOUTS permission. When the line with the same variant will be provided multiple times, the last price will be used.

CheckoutLineUpdateInput.lineId ● ID scalar miscellaneous

ID of the line.

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checkoutLinesUpdate mutation