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AppReenableSyncWebhooks Object

Re-enable sync webhooks for provided app. Can be used to manually re-enable sync webhooks for the app before the cooldown period ends.

Added in Saleor 3.21 (unreleased)
Requires MANAGE_APPSpermission.
type AppReenableSyncWebhooks {
app: App
appErrors: [AppError!]! @deprecated
errors: [AppError!]!

Fields ● App object apps

App for which sync webhooks were re-enabled.

AppReenableSyncWebhooks.appErrors ● [AppError!]! deprecated non-null object apps


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use errors field instead.

AppReenableSyncWebhooks.errors ● [AppError!]! non-null object apps

Returned By

appReenableSyncWebhooks mutation